These pesky creatures are virtually invisible to the naked eye; in fact, you may need a 10x power magnifying glass to see them. Although tiny, they cause a host of problems, including allergic reactions, even asthma and wheezing. Is there a lot of sneezing going on in your home? This article may help you with that problem!
That’s right, you guessed it. We are talking about dust mites. Yes, you vacuum your carpet and even your furniture and mattresses… but they are still there, living and breathing and enjoying themselves at your expense.
There are some really disturbing details we could share with you about these creatures, but we want you to sleep well at night. However, you do need to know a little bit about these tiny creatures, so you can make sure your home is as healthy as possible.
Dust mites like to eat flakes of human and animal skin and other tiny organic particles that are naturally going to fall to the floor, into bedding and furniture and, of course, the carpet.
There is nothing you can do to get rid of all the dust mites in your home. They will always be there. But you can reduce how many of them there are with regular professional cleaning of your carpet, rugs and furniture. A thorough cleaning will help do some quick evicting of these sneeze inducing scoundrels.
Just a friendly reminder from Jeff Cross, the executive editor of Cleanfax, the magazine and online authority for cleaning and restoration contractors. Let me know if you have any questions. Send me an email at [email protected]