How to Find the Best Carpet Cleaning Company
Keeping your floors clean in your home should be a priority, as a dirty floor is not only unsightly but also unhealthy. A clean floor in your home is a constant challenge because a busy family has plenty of foot traffic to add soil to surfaces. When you need your carpet cleaned, and other related services such as hard floor care, tile and grout, marble, etc, you have options. Some of them are easier than others; the goal is to keep your home looking great without too much effort on your part — unless you like to clean! Most homeowners have deep cleaning of floors set on a schedule, often every six months or annually. While you sweep, mop, and vacuum sometimes several times a week, that deep cleaning is a specialized task that really gets the soil out. Option 1: Do it yourself Let’s not kid ourselves. Cleaning carpet is tough work and takes a specialized machine to do it. It can be backbreaking work as you are bent over, scrubbing and cleaning, filling, and dumping the solution in the machine. Hard floor cleaning is not much easier if you do it right, such as deep cleaning the grout. You need professional-quality cleaning products and the know-how to do it right. Option 2: Hire a professional cleaning company While this will cost money, and you will pay more for higher quality cleaning, you get the very best for your home. Professional carpet cleaning companies typically do it all: carpet and rug cleaning, hard floor care, tile and grout, furniture cleaning, and more. They are highly trained professional, often certified, and can clean all your surfaces in your home with expertise. Besides doing great work, they often move furniture and get the job clean and dry quickly, so you are not inconvenienced at all. There are many methods of cleaning, as well, and a consultation with a professional company can help determine the best way to care for your carpet or other surfaces. And to find the best company, get referrals, look at online reviews, and make sure that the company you choose has an excellent reputation, not only with cleaning but also with customer service. Is it time to have your carpet cleaned, or other surfaces? Do the right thing. Call a professional cleaning company today. After all, it pays to call a pro! How to Remove a Mustard Stain
Mustard, like most condiments, is a slippery thing. When you put it in your sandwich, on your hot dog, or any food that fits the mustard profile, you enter the danger zone. Something is likely to come flying out and splat right on a white garment or fabric. For some reason, things that stain land on light colored items. Murphy’s Law maybe. Why is mustard such a tough stain to remove? Because of the natural dye called “turmeric”. It is why mustard is usually yellow, sometimes a light brown. When it lands on fabrics, it goes inside the fiber and stains it. Other condiments, such as mayonnaise and ketchup, can also stain, but not as much as mustard. Before doing any cleaning, remove or scrape off as much residue as you can. When you start the cleaning process, you are at the point of no return. Once the fabric dries, any further efforts are probably going to produce minimal results. With garments, it’s possible to wash them and mustard may come out. It may not. In the washing machine, some use chlorine bleach, although there is always a chance of removing other colors. The big picture here is do not put anything in the clothes dryer if the stain is still visible. The high heat may set that stain. For carpet and upholstery, carefully wiping off the mustard and using a neutral spotter may help. But professional cleaning is recommended. If you start working on a mustard stain and you don’t remove all of it at one time, it makes it much more difficult to remove later on. It is always best if the pros do the work from the very beginning. As with all cleaning projects, presoaking is important. Allow your cleaning solution, spotter, whatever you are using time to work. Use warm solutions, not hot. Using peroxide on mustard stains often works as the bleaching agent in peroxide will either remove or at least lighten up the stain, while usually not affecting the natural colors in garments or fabrics. Wet out the area, and if you can, cover it up with plastic or foil, to keep it wet for an hour or two. The longer the peroxide solution has to work on the stain, the better the results. Rinse completely when you see good results. Mustard is tough. No way around that. Besides being careful with your next hot dog, if a mustard disaster strikes, do the right thing. Call a professional cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro! Unplugging the Showerhead
Isn’t a nice, hot shower a wonderful thing? Whether you get up in the morning and shower to prepare for the morning or stand under the hot welcoming spray at the end of a long day at work… a shower can not only clean but also refresh. But then, over time, the shower experience starts to fade. You aren’t sure why. You use the same shampoo. The water still seems hot, the exact temperature you like. Then… you figure it out. The water just isn’t coming out of the showerhead like it used to? That’s right. Your showerhead has an issue. Something is wrong. The water flow just isn’t there like in the past. Showerheads have small holes in them that create those tiny strong streams of water. We know this. We also know that when you plug a hole, nothing comes out. With showerheads, it’s not like all the holes get plugged up at once. It happens over time. Mineral deposits natural in all water just builds up. Here's how you fix this issue. If you have a smaller profile showerhead, some have found a really easy way to do this. Simply get a small bowl of white vinegar and hold it up and immerse the showerhead in the liquid. You will have to hold this pose for a while, several minutes at minimum. Since some clogs are at the tips of the showerhead holes, the vinegar just might dissolve the minerals. It can’t hurt to try this method. All you are looking to do is dissolve the minerals, and vinegar as an acid solution will do it. If that doesn’t work, it’s time to take things apart. Using the proper tools, which may include a wrench or pliers, and be sure not to scratch any of the finish on the showerhead, remove it from the pipe. Take it all apart. There should be parts inside, such as a small filter. Get it all apart and then soak it all in a vinegar solution. Give it plenty of time, and since you aren’t holding a bowl awkwardly above your head, maybe a couple of hours. Before, during, and after this process, inspect the holes. You may need to poke them with a safety pin, to help physically remove some of the deposits. If vinegar doesn’t work, a stronger solution made for removing mineral deposits can be used but be sure to wear safety gloves and eye protection if you do this. The same procedures can be followed as already detailed. Of course, for all your cleaning needs and advice, do the right thing. Call your favorite cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro! Cleaning and Removing Pet Urine
They say that a dog is man’s best friend, but really, any pet you choose to adopt into your family can be your best friend. It can be a dog, cat, turtle, dinosaur, a bird. A pet is a pet. Just kidding about the dinosaur; we all know they are too expensive to feed. While you want your pets to behave, be a good family member, they have the occasional (hopefully not that often) accidents. Yes, we are speaking of when they pee on the floor. And mainly dogs and cats. The “accidents” can occur for a variety of reasons. It could be a pet is sick, or left alone too long, or is mad because you didn’t give them their favorite treat. A host of reasons. The bottom line, though, is you have a mess to clean up. It could be a small mess, or a big one, depending on the size of your pet. The first thing to do is act quickly. A pet accident on a hard surface is one thing, easy to wipe up, clean, and disinfect. A pet accident on a carpeted surface is something else altogether. This tip will concentrate on soft surfaces, such as carpet. When a pet accident does occur, it’s important to remove as much as possible right away. Using only white paper or cloth disposable towels, blot the area until no more moisture transfers. If you have a wet/dry vacuum and don’t mind using it for this chore, vacuuming up the offending mess is a great way to remove most of the contaminant. Next you need to clean the area. It’s always best to use a cleaning product you get from your favorite cleaning company, or something approved for cleaning spots on carpet. Apply the solution sparingly, work it in, and use an absorbent towel or the wet/dry vacuum to pick it up. Repeat several times, flushing out the area. If you don’t get all the urine out of the carpet, and remember the urine can be in the padding, the odors may become strong, and your pet will know what’s there and return to it — it’s possible. While you may attempt all this and even be successful at times, there’s just one way to guarantee the best removal of pet spots, stains, and odors. Call your favorite cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro! Fighting Fur
If you have pets, especially cats or dogs, pet hair is a very common and frustrating issue that keeps piling up. Pun intended. It builds up fast on all surfaces, especially fabrics such as furniture and clothing. It sticks to you better than glue and follows you into your car, to work, and everywhere you go. It’s one of the parts of life we put up with because we love our pets. But there are a few things you can do to limit the amount of hair your pet sheds, and what you can do to clean it up better. Of course, the season impacts how much hair your pets shed, such as the typical spring and fall shedding seasons. Nutrition first The first, most impactful tip is to make sure you are feeding your furry friends is good food. Just like people need a solid nutritious diet, so do your pets. Your vet will have plenty to say on this, such as food products that are high in vitamins, minerals, and the proper amount of protein. You can also do some research online and find quality pet food that has supporting reviews. Better diet = less shedding = happier you. Brushing and grooming This is a no-brainer, right? The more you brush and groom your pet, the more hair you remove and put in the trash can and the less that ends up on flooring, clothing, furniture, and other surfaces. But besides being good for removing hair, it helps their skin and circulation. Purchase a quality brush designed for quality grooming — and hair collecting as well. Cleaning up The most important part of cleaning pet hair from a home is to do it regularly. Have a schedule. Frequent vacuuming of all surfaces, including furniture, will help keep the hair from building up to massive proportions. A quality vacuum with a beater bar is best, and a hand-held version with a beater bar will help with furniture and stairs. Lint rollers, special hair removing brushes, and other tools may help, but nothing beats a good, regular vacuuming of your home. For quick work in a pinch, using a wet rubber glove to wipe surfaces and grab hair works great. Some even use tape, such as the life-saving duct tape version, to remove hair from surfaces that just don’t want to give up their grip. Of course, the absolute best way to keep your home really clean is to use a professional cleaning service. After all, it pays to call a pro! 6 Items Many Neglect to Replace
Do you have the tendency to collect items, never letting them go? Or maybe you tend to get as much use out of items as you can, keeping them longer than perhaps recommended, before replacing them? No one wants to be wasteful, yet there are many items you use that should be replaced on a regular basis, on a schedule. While there could be dozens of items like this, today we will concentrate on just six everyday items that need to be regularly replenished, for a variety of reasons. Sponges Sponges are great tools we use for cleaning surfaces, and some of those surfaces can be quite germy. While the appearance of your sponge may be acceptable, you should replace it every 3-4 weeks. Toothbrushes Advice for changing your toothbrush comes from a solid source. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), replace your toothbrush every three to four months. If you use a battery powered toothbrush, you should change the bristles on a similar basis. Toilet brush You use these to clean toilets. Enough said. Change them every six months, or even more often in a busy household. Water filters Filters that supply your drinking water can be found attached to your water spigots, and in your refrigerator, among other uses. Most manufacturers recommend replacing filters every six months. While some can taste the change in water when a filter is dirty and not effective, don’t base frequency on this. Follow a schedule. Pillows Pillows are meant to be comfortable and usually used just by you, but they are also a reservoir of dead skin, hair, and other potential contaminants. Replace them every one to two years, even if you really love your pillow. Fire extinguishers This is a no-joke type of monitoring and replacement because a fire extinguisher is meant to save your life. It is recommended to change them every 12 years, and recharge them halfway through their life. Keep an eye on the pressure, making sure it isn’t losing strength as it sits unused, which is how you want fire extinguishers to exist. Never used. Replacing items that can go bad, or have expired, is an act of cleaning, tidying things up, keeping your home in optimal operating condition. And when it comes to cleaning, you can get excellent advice from your favorite cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro! Does Carpet Cleaning Kill Fleas?
With spring weather comes all types of pests, from those emerging from hibernation to those who thrive in warm weather. And some of them end up where they don’t belong: In your home. One pest that tends to really stick around when it invades your home is the flea. The world has some 2,000 types of fleas, and they are found virtually everywhere. And when you spot one, you might notice how fast they are. They are said to have an acceleration rate some 50 times faster than a rocket. They seem to fly, but they are really jumping, and more than a foot in distance at times. Fleas live by consuming blood, as their main meal. If you have a dog or cat, which is a flea’s best friend and food source, and your pets go outside, odds are you will face a flea in your home from time to time. And even if you have no pets, they can attach to you when you venture outside and come back in. The big question is, how do you get rid of fleas? Many feel that laundering items and deep cleaning the home will do the trick. And since your pets lay on the carpet, a good carpet cleaning should kill fleas. That’s not entirely true. Fleas are tough. If you try to submerge one in water and let it go, it will pop out and survive. If you clean a surface, normal soap and water won’t kill them, either. While steam cleaning a carpet may kill some fleas, there is no guarantee that the entire flea infestation will be handled. You must remember that, depending on the state, province, or area you live in, killing fleas falls under the pesticide umbrella. A licensed pest control expert is the best qualified professional to handle a flea infestation issue. That doesn’t mean there isn’t value in having your carpet cleaned, especially by a professional. A thorough, professional deep cleaning of your carpet will physically remove many contaminants, from soils to bacteria and even fleas and their larvae. The hot water, detergent, and physical action of cleaning flushes them out. What you have remaining is a nice, fresh, clean carpet. And don’t forget to launder other items that may have fleas. It's especially important to have your home cleaned after the pest control expert has done his work. Do the right thing. Call your favorite cleaning company with any questions. After all, it pays to call a pro! Dust Control Made Easy
The amount of dust that builds up in a home varies greatly from one house to the next. Even the most fastidious of homeowners will have dust somewhere in the house. Dust itself is complicated because it can come from many different sources. It can be skin cells, pet dander, fibers, soot from your furnace, pollen, even particles known to be carcinogens depending on the air quality where you live. Think about this: Every time you cook something, you put particles in the air, and it has to land somewhere. Dust. You can’t avoid it. But you can remove it. Here are a few tips to create a dust-free home (well, almost dust-free). Top to bottom Most of the time, the best, efficient method to clean is from the top down. It’s how the pros do it and it is a good way to avoid having to clean surfaces twice. Let gravity be your friend. Using quality cloths also traps dust and particles so that will help in the cleaning process as well. Reaching really high surfaces, such as on the top of cabinets or the top of ceiling fan blades, requires special extension tools. You can always grab a ladder, but think safety first. Using a tool to reach high areas is safer and works great. Stuff you need Besides extension tools and quality cloths, using microfiber cloths work well for most because the cloth itself grabs soil and dust and holds onto it. The construction of microfiber cloths positively charges them, which attracts the negatively charged dust. Think magnets. It works! Plus, you can wash microfiber cloths and use them over and over again. Some prefer natural materials, such as lambswool dusters or cotton cloths. That’s fine, they all work, it just depends on what you want to use. Compressed air may be necessary to reach into crevices where a cloth or tool just won’t work. A good vacuum is another tool that helps. With special attachments, vacuuming surfaces picks up dust and collects it all in the vacuum bag. Keep it dust-free When you are done, you can also rub a dryer sheet onto surfaces to keep dust from sticking. Many do this with their baseboards, which are very susceptible to dust since they are close to the ground. And don’t forget, when you need cleaning done right, do the right thing. Call your favorite cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro! |
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